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Reflections on what makes a good cartoon

· Challenges

Drawing cartoons is fun.

The basis of any drawing is observation. Learning to draw cartoons will teach you more about people.

Key insights from today:
1. Lines and shapes are the basis.
Practise drawing different types of lines confidently. With shapes, especially facial shapes, loosen up your hand before drawing.

2. Second time is the charm.
If I sketch out with pencil first, the second time around is always a lot better.

3. Expressions bring life to cartoons.
Mainly focus on eyes and mouth.
4. Importance of cartoon accessories.
Motion lines and words make the drawings pop.
5. Exaggerate!
Humour is king.

I drew on iPad Pro using app concept. Below are some of my drawings from today. It's day 1, so I was just copying Bruce Blitz's drawings.

First 3 screenshots you can see I used pencil to do rough sketches first. Sometimes the sharpie version is quite different from the original. Let's see how long it would take me to draw decisively in one go :P

Cartoon Challenge Day1-1  Accelerated Learning Challenge
Cartoon Challenge Day1-2  Accelerated Learning Challenge
Cartoon Challenge Day1-3  Accelerated Learning Challenge

Here are the cleaned up version, only showing the finished drawing (except for one I forgot to switch layers).

Cartoon Challenge Day1-1-clean  Accelerated Learning Challenge
Cartoon Challenge Day1-2-clean Accelerated Learning Challenge